5 Benefits of using a Custom-Printed Flip Book for Presentations

5 Benefits of using a Custom-Printed Flip Book for Presentations

A Flip Book, sometimes known as a pitch book or presentation book, is an interactive visual aid used to assist a salesperson or trainer with making a presentation to one person or a very small group. A flip book is created as a bound document, either in a traditional book format or as an A-shaped easel style book. Also, the cover and pages of a flip book are usually laminated for durability.

Most professionally-made flip books are created with either the spiral coil or wire-o binding method. These binding methods allow the pages to turn very easily and stay put once turned. Another popular method for creating flip books is to use a ringed binder, such as the popular three-ring binder. Standard binders can be used, or custom binders can be created that fold easily into a free-standing easel shape.

From a practicality standpoint, the A-shaped easel style flip book has an advantage over the traditional book format because it is easier to use during a presentation. Not only does the easel book stand upright for improved visibility, the presenter can sit across from the presentees with the easel book between them-rather than having to risk crowding the presentees by sitting right next to them.

flip book
A free-standing, easel-style Flip Book is a very simple and convenient way to add a visual element to one-on-one or small group presentations

Also, the two-sided construction of an A-shaped easel flip book allows the presenter's pages to be printed somewhat differently than the corresponding presentee pages. For example, the presenter's side may display key questions, additional points, reminders, or other prompts to stimulate conversation and gauge understanding. Helpful to both new and seasoned presenters, these prompts and suggestions are not visible to the presentees.

A flip book provides a cost-effective way to develop rapport, increase professionalism, and build trust. Though it is not a substitute for a well-trained salesperson or trainer, a flip book is a practical method for enhancing communication during a presentation.

Below are five primary benefits of Flip Books-

1) Flip Books are Convenient and Practical

Flip books are completely self-contained and portable, so they can be used virtually anywhere, by anyone, and at any time. They work equally well on a retail counter, on a desk in a prospect's office, or even on a kitchen table when conducting in-home consumer sales.

2) Flip Books Regulate the Flow of Information

Because each page of the flip book focuses on one thought or concept at a time, it helps regulate the flow and tempo of the information being presented. This not only adds structure, it ensures that all essential points are made during the presentation-nothing is missed or forgotten.

3) Flip Books make a Memorable Impression

It's a fact that people retain more information about what they see than what they hear. Because a flip book adds a visual component to the presentation, it makes a more lasting impression than the spoken word alone. A flip book helps people remember you, your company, and your offerings.

4) Flip Books are Simple and Low Tech

Unlike an electronic presentation - such as a promotional video or PowerPoint slideshow - a flip book requires no electric outlet or batteries. There are also no concerns about software glitches, hardware problems, or operator errors. You can always count on your flip book to perform.

5) Flip Books offer Various Design Options

Flip books can be produced in a traditional book format or as a self-standing easel, in just about any tabletop size you may need. The cover and pages can be printed in full color, black ink, or any combination. Other options include protective lamination and section dividers with or without tabs.

Flip Books are a great supplement to any one-on-one or small group presentation. If you have any questions about Flip Books, or have an upcoming Flip Book project, give Formax a call at (866) 367-6221. Or, submit our quote request form. We look forward to working with you!

Take care! Rick