Are you a printer but don't produce books? Instead of saying no to book orders, why not outsource them to a trusted print partner?
Within the wide world of printing, many print shops have carved out specific niches for themselves. For example, some shops focus on printed stationery-some focus on adhesive labels-others focus on business checks or forms. Specialty niches are very common in the printing industry and can become quite lucrative.
There are definitely some nice benefits associated with niche printing. For instance, a well-defined area of expertise allows a printing company to continually refine its production processes. Also, by concentrating on one category of printing, it reduces a printer's need for an extensive array of equipment. Furthermore, it allows the printing company to focus its marketing efforts more effectively.
One Obstacle to Overcome
A potential dilemma of being a niche printer occurs when a customer requests something outside the printer's capabilities. If the niche printer declines the project, which many do, three negative outcomes occur. First, the printer misses an opportunity to expand the client relationship. Second, the printer foregoes the chance to earn additional profit for the business. Third, the printer inadvertently opens the door to a competitor.
Print Outsourcing Offers an Easy Solution
Print outsourcing involves partnering with another printer who specializes in the type of printing your customer is requesting. For example, one of Formax Printing's specialties is book printing - particularly softcover printing such as perfect bound, spiral coil bound and saddle-stitched books. Many printers do not have the equipment or expertise to print multiple styles of books, so they partner with us to produce books for them to resell.
It is a relatively simple process - the printer takes the customer's order, forwards the specs and artwork to us, then we print and bind the books at a wholesale rate. Depending on the arrangement, we either send the completed order to the printer for distribution, or we blind ship the books directly to the printer's customer. Either way, the printer's relationship with its customer is protected at all times.
Book Printing is Well-Suited for Outsourcing
Print Outsourcing - sometimes referred to as outsource printing, trade printing or selling printing to the trade - isn't just for books. But in our experience, book printing and binding seems to be perfectly suited for outsourcing because it is a more involved printing process and thus demands more production equipment than most printers are willing to acquire.
If you're a printer who declines requests for short to medium run book printing (200 to 15,000) because it's outside your normal capabilities, you really should consider outsourcing these projects to a trusted printing partner. Outsourcing book printing is an extremely easy way to make pure profit for your business without having to make any investments. Your customers need books-why not from you?
Have additional questions about the benefits of outsourcing printed books? Just give Formax a call at 866-367-6221. We offer the experience and guidance you need.
We've also prepared a FREE Guide to Book Outsourcing. It explains how to properly spec out book projects as well as which types of organizations are good prospects for printed books. Just give us a call at 866-367-6221 and we will email you this informative 16-page report.
Take care! Rick