Most trail maps are created for recreational purposes. As such, trail maps are often provided by park departments, visitor centers, tour operators, nature preserves, resorts, lodges, and other venues that have trails to explore.
Depending on its purpose, a trail map can be created with a very simple design or it can be incredibly detailed. In addition, almost all trail maps benefit from being printed in full color. Full-color printing not only adds visual appeal, it also helps to clearly differentiate the various features on the map.
Trail Maps are printed for a wide variety of outdoor activities, including-
- Hiking and Backpacking
- Walking, Jogging, Running
- Horseback Riding
- Cycling, In-line Skating
- Mountain Climbing
- Cross-Country Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, Snowmobiling
- Off Road 4x4, ATV, Dirt Biking
- Water Trails for Canoeing, Kayaking, Rafting
- Nature Strolls, Bird Watching
- Exploring Parks, Campgrounds, Recreational Complexes
- Touring Wildlife Sanctuaries, Botanical Gardens, Arboretums
Choosing a Paper Stock-
When selecting a paper stock for your trail map project, there are two practical choices-traditional paper or synthetic paper. Traditional paper is more economical and will be suitable for the majority of trail map projects-but it does not hold up as well under extremely rugged or damp conditions. On the other hand, synthetic paper (such as Yupo) is tear resistant and completely waterproof-but it is more expensive. Which paper to choose will largely depend on your budget and the environmental conditions in which the map will be used.
Choosing a Size-
Creating maps as oversized documents is a common practice, but it's essential to consider the most cost-effective options for your project. Opting for a size that is not too large can lead to the best value. For instance, if you're producing a trail map, using a sheet-fed offset press is more economical compared to a wide-format press.
Before finalizing your artwork's size, it's wise to check with your printer about the map sizes they can print and fold in the most cost-effective manner. This way, you can potentially save money on production costs while still getting the high-quality maps you need. Remember, finding the right balance between size and cost is key to achieving the best value for your map-making endeavors.
PRINTING TIP: Looking to optimize your cost savings? Your best overall value will be attained on maps 20" x 27" or smaller. Your second best value will be attained on maps ranging in size from 20" x 27"+ to 27" x 36".
Formax can print your one-sided or two-sided trail maps on traditional paper or synthetic paper (250 piece minimum). We can also fold your map down to a compact and easy-to-handle size. Give us a call at 866-367-6221 to discuss the various options available for your specific map project. Or, if you already know your specs and would like a quote, submit our easy quote form. We look forward to assisting you!
Take care! Rick